TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, School Days: Learning to Read and Write in Lansdale
Looking back at 120 years of education in the borough.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, Tales of the Crypt IV
More stories about the people who are buried in the Lansdale Cemetery’s mausoleum. Narrated by Richard Stricker, cemetery supervisor.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, Pharmacies and Drug Stores
Lansdale was only a bustling village when the first apothecary opened its doors. Featured speaker Richard Bitner, former mayor and pharmacist, describes the drug store trade in Lansdale.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, The Second Annual Holiday History Tour
Features five Lansdale houses that will be all decked out for the season.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, Foundries and Such
Remembering the industries that put Lansdale on the map and provided employment for its residents.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, Christian Johnson Returns
The nationally-acclaimed historic interpreter who portrayed Abraham Lincoln to rave reviews last year, steps into the role of another famous person from America’s past.
TUESDAY, MARCH 14, Bon Appétit: Eating Out at Lansdale’s Restaurants, Luncheonettes and Diners
From the Hotel Tremont to the Deluxe Diner to Shelly’s, there were many places to chow down in and around our town.
TUESDAY MAY 9, Willard Krieble: Images from Behind the Camera
The Reporter’s award-winning chief photographer comes home to Lansdale to narrate a presentation of his finest work captured during a 40-plus year journalism career.
SATURDAY, JUNE 10, Revolutionary War Encampment
On the grounds of the Jenkins Homestead, Members of the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment will provide a taste of what military life was like.