TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: Towamencin Township
The fourth in a series of Community Program featuring the municipalities that surround Lansdale. This retrospective of the Towamencin Township’s history features Steve Moyer with assistance from Sarah DiSantis of the Welsh Valley Preservation Society. The program is dedicated to the late Dr. Thomas Hollenbeck, township supervisor.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12: WNPV Radio: 50 Years as the Voice of the North Penn Valley
The society pays tribute to the North Penn area’s only radio station on the 50th golden anniversary of its start-up. Program Director Darryl Berger hosts the program which features numerous on-air personalities past and present.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9: Devastation on the Delaware
Author Mary Shafer describes the horrific effects of 1955 hurricanes on the Delaware River region through stories told her by dozens of survivors.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4: Christmas at the Jenkins Homestead
The society hosts an open house at the Jenkins Homestead and Research Center to usher in the holiday season. Historical actor Robert Gleason will be on hand to portray family patriarch John Jenkins I. 1-4 p.m. No admission charge.
Rescheduled and will now be the topic of the May Community Program – See Below!
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8: Then You Saw It, Now You Don’t – Part 4
The fourth installment in our series of then and now photographs which reveal the changing landscape of the North Penn region over the past decade.
TUESDAY, MARCH 8: Five Mayors
Five mayors of Lansdale – past and present – participate in a “fireside chat” with host Darryl Berger of WNPV Radio. The conversation will center on the highlights of their time in office and their impressions of how the community has evolved over the 40 years they’ve collectively served Lansdale.
TUESDAY, APRIL 19: Annual Banquet at William Penn Inn
Highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the 2011 Edwin G. Holl Historic Achievement Award to a person, organization or business that has promoted the importance of history in the North Penn region. Cocktails, 6 p.m.; dinner, 7 p.m. Tickets must be ordered in advance.
TUESDAY, MAY 10: World War II Trunk Show (rescheduled from January)
Educational curator Janeal Jaroh takes us on a trip back in time to the early 1940s when war on two fronts cast an overwhelming shadow over the lifestyle of Americans at home and abroad.
All Community Programs are held at the Lansdale Parks and Recreation Building, Seventh St. and Lansdale Ave., beginning at 7:30 pm. No admission charge; donations are greatly appreciated. Postponements will be announced on WNPV Radio (1440).